Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sorry For The Lack Of Posts!!!

Hi all.

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. Not only has my store (Red Sun) been extremely busy recently but I've also found myself succumbing to both the pull of nightly reality TV (X-Factor and I'm a Celeb) and the numerous video game releases over the last 6 weeks (Arkham City, Skyrim, Saints Row 3, Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Zelda: Skyward Sword etc) so I've found myself with no spare time to sit down and get my posts sorted!

Hopefully I'll make the most of my day off tomorrow and be able to post up the plethora of things I have waiting for you all!

For now you can enjoy a pic of the latest mascot for Red Sun... Simply called 'Red', who should shortly be doing a few videos for this blog. Here he's incredibly excited to have received Batman: Arkham City on the Xbox 360 on launch day. :P

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