Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Vertical Eating Dog, Monkey Dogs And Low Flying Beach Planes - Videos

I have to admit that the title to this post is one of the strangest I've ever put up...

Here below are 3 videos I found this week that I just had to post. Enjoy!

1) According to her owners, Bella was diagnosed with congenital megaesophagus shortly after being rescued three months ago.

“Megaesophagus means that her esophagus is enlarged and lacks the muscle mobility to swallow food while horizontal.” Therefore, Bella requires the assistance of a “Bailey Chair” to eat her meals.

2) Whereas humans enjoy the companionship of tame dogs, baboons at a dump in Ta’if, Saudi Arabia kidnap feral puppies to raise as members of their families. Looks like the apes really are rising.

3) Located on the Caribbean island of St. Martin, Maho Beach is adjacent to an airport runway. Departing planes whip up blasts of water and sand, and incoming planes, well, just watch.

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