Saturday, January 21, 2012

Facts Don't Matter

Are liberals too dumb to understand?

NINA TOTENBERG, NPR: You know, Newt knows how to play this game. And as
Charles said, he is in his own backyard, right next to Georgia, and he
is incredibly glib. It doesn’t matter that, you know, that there were
more people on food stamps under George W. Bush. It doesn’t matter that
his suggestion is that minorities are the ones who get food stamps, that
far more white people get food stamps. It doesn’t matter that working
people get food stamps in order to feed their families. Facts don’t
matter to him and it makes for great, it makes for great talk.

Huh? Earth to Nina!

USDA data released this week shows that the number of Americans
receiving food aid from the Supplemental Nutrional Assistance Program
(SNAP) hit another all-time high in August. 45.8 million people -- almost 15% of the country -- were enrolled in the program, which replaced Food Stamps in 2008.
This is only a slight increase from July, when 45.3 million Americans
were receiving SNAP help -- but a massive 31% jump since June 2009, when
the National Bureau of Economic Research declared the most recent
recession over.

That part about all time high was too hard to understand? These people are in their own little worlds. They believe what they want, they say what they want. Facts don't matter! She has a mission, and that is to see that Newt (and most all Republicans) get the worst possible press treatment possible.

Folks this far removed from reality scare me,.

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